Lunar pizza mural

7' x 3' mural I painted for the Lunar Pizza food truck that I like to call The Creation of Pizza, since the composition was modeled after Michelangelo's famous painting, The Creation of Adam.



Besides illustration, music and film are two of my absolute favorite things. A musician at heart, I love being able to support local talent with gig posters and album art. I also like to re-imagine posters for some of my favorite films or create imagery for new films, screenplays, or books.


Album Covers

Concept art for the debut album from psych rock duo MENTE TENE entitled: Coast, Flickers, Frames.



Various paintings from the past few years. Mostly acrylic, though some were done in oil paint.


monkey portraits

Series of digital portraits depicting various species of monkeys; created in Illustrator.



Various pencil illustrations from the past few years. Works were completed using graphite, charcoal, or chalk. All are observational studies except for the Frank Sinatra portrait.